dinsdag 27 december 2011

Sent e-mail to CpEmail, TmAdmin or TmEmployee

By default an e-mail is sent to the contact person. It is now also possible to sent the e-mail to TmAdmin instead of the contact person. When sending an email under a positive result, it is also possible to sent the e-mail to the TmEmployee (employee customer).

vrijdag 23 december 2011

Appointments automatically filled in Google Calendar

Appointments created by a Agent are now automatically filled in the calendar of the Account Manager. The fields that are filled are;
- Description (containing all contact details from TeleManager)
- Time (date time from - date time until)
- Location (street zipcode city country)
- Notes (notes from TeleManager made by the agent)

When an other calendar is coupled via Google Calendar, these fields will also be filled in the other calendar.

Fields from Google Calendar

When you use Travel Time Optimization it is necessary to integrate with Account Manager calendar in order to make full use of this feature. Until now all information was displayed. Now there are only three fields that are displayed from the Account Manager calendar;
- description
- time (date time from - date time until)
- location

Also only these fields will be displayed when a calender is coupled with another calendar via Google Calendar

Prevent double hard callbacks

A new feature has been added TeleManager, My calendar. All hard callbacks are visualized by Agent. When an agent tries to add another hard callback, TeleManager will give a warning. The agent can not add this hard callback and has to change the time.

vrijdag 16 december 2011

Check on double hard callbacks

There is a new feature which prevents double hard callbacks. A calendar has been added for the agent to see where a hard callback can be made, at what date and time. The calendar shows hard callbacks that are already made by the agent.

Agents can no longer create double hard callbacks. TeleManager will give an warning when there is already a hard callback.

Reorder default fields

It was already possible to reorder custom fields and show them in a different order. In V6.1.7 is is also possible to reorder default fields.

maandag 12 december 2011

Mandatory when positive

A new setting has been added to TeleManager, required when positive. Every field can be made positive via the FormWizard. TeleManager will give a warning 'Fill in mandatory fields' when the field setting (mandatory (positive)) is true and the agent want to click a result under TaksType=Positive.

The setting can be found in the FormWizard

Positive result with e-mail shown in LeadManager

E-mails that are being sent when the result is positive (TaskType=Positive) are now also shown in LeadManager. When a user logs into LeadManager he will see the e-mail in the module Email sent.

Fixed products (costs) for accounting software

Many inbound call centers are offering products with a fixed monthly pricing like
- Internet access
- Answering machine
- Dairy management

Customers can subscribe to one or more products. These products with a fixed monthly prices can now be easily added to the customer and exported as order lines to be imported into the accounting software.

Call registration outside bundle for accounting software

Most inbound call centers have pricing based on subscription bundle.  An example is a customer who has an subscription for € 200,- a month they get 100 calls free and have to pay € 2,50 for every call when it exceeds this 100. Because there can be more then 10 different call bundles, it is a hassle every month to make the calculation.

It is now possible to export order lines that can be directly imported into every account software.

Call attempts

A new field had been added to TeleManager, call attempts. Adding the address does not count as an call attempt.

woensdag 7 december 2011

Search in TmCustomer and TmEmployee

It is now easy to search for Customers and Employees. Search boxes has been added.

dinsdag 25 oktober 2011

Add working time Agent as a Admin

Admin's can now add Agents working time

1. Go to calendar and click a date

2. Click New Appointment

3. Select Agent and fill in details

Fill in availability as agent

Agent can now fill in there availability in the calendar.

1. Go to calendar and click on the date

2. New appointment

3. Fill in calendar details

Agents can not add appointments in the past

Agents can not change appointments in the past. Only Admin can

All in pull down field

Users can now select all in search box when a field is pull down.

Change project

Addresses belonging to a project can now be changed into an other project.

- Select addresses
- Click button Change Project
- Click project name in order to transfer addresses to new project

dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

Export all with date notation

Every night TeleManager makes an export of all records, when there are more then 10.000 records in the database. It makes a batches of every 10.000 records and shows it in the export menu. De date (based on last update) has been added tot the export batch.

see for more information www.telemanager.nl

maandag 29 augustus 2011

Time automatically adjusted

When users fill in time like 935, it is automatically adjusted to 9:35 AM. Users don't have to fill in the colon ( : ) anymore

woensdag 24 augustus 2011

New question type in survey=> text

A new question type has been added to the survey. This new question type allows you to add text without possible answers for prospects to fill in. 

New question type in survey=> address details

A new question type has been added to the survey. With the new question type you can select fields from the database and show them in a online registration form.

Online registration form

A new feature has been added to TeleManager, online registration forms. This feature can be used to

- register orders
- register participants for summits and trade shows
- let prospects update their contact details 

contact us if you want to now more about this new feature

Search within results

It is now possible to search easily within results. This is very handy when you use a lot of different within a result category.

Import changes in last page

The last import page has been modified. It now gives you a clear view of how many records will be imported and how many records are invalid. You can click on 'Click here to see the invalid row(s)' to see why the records are invalid.

Only the ready records will be imported when you click the button Import records (only ready record(s) will be imported)

Inbound/Start => Save grid

Agents can now save there grid when working in Inbound / Start

vrijdag 8 juli 2011

Copy address

A new functionality is available for TeleManager, copy an exciting address into a new project.

All fields will be copied except

  • Customer
  • Project
  • Source
  • Source specification

A user can decide where to copy the address, for wich customer, into which project under which source

donderdag 23 juni 2011

Using Skype 5.3 or higher with TeleManager

It is not possible anymore to use the callto:// protocol to initiate calls from TeleManager when you use the latest version of Skype (5.3 or higher). Skype changed the protocol to skype://.

The consequence is that all Agents (users) have to have Skype v5.3 or higher or Skype 5.2 or lower. You can download previous versions of Skype here http://www.oldapps.com/skype.php.

When you are using skype 5.3 or higher you must change the excising code to skype://#Value# like in the screen below.

dinsdag 25 januari 2011

Copy e-mail template

Existing e-mail templates can now be copied. 

Custom filters in Address\Overview

In TeleManager\Address\Overview there where 2 filters, now you can create as many as you want. 

New filters can be added in Administration\Classifiers

maandag 24 januari 2011

Adding and removing results from projects

Adding and removing results from projects has been made easy. Go to TeleManager/Projects/Results and add or remove results from existing projects. 

Adding and removing agents from projects

Adding and removing agents from projects has been made easy. Go to Administrate/Users and add or remove agents from existing projects. 

Registration inbound calls (start screen adjusted)

The 'add button' has been placed to the beginning of the row and an agent can now also use the name of the project (hyper link) to register a new call. 

woensdag 19 januari 2011

Script in address details

A new setting has been added to the script. When active, the script will appear open when an agent goes to the address details screen.

Project information for agents

Information about the project is now available for agents in the address details screen.

Pull down field

The list of custom fields has been expanded with a pull-down field. When adding a custom field as pull down it will appear as a pull down in the lead detail screen and the user can select from the predefined list.

In the address detail screen the field appears as a pull-down. 

Appointment time from... to

A positive result can be an appointment or an order. Only when it is an appointment the agent needs the starting time and end time. The setting can be selected under every positive result.

Both starting time and end time will appear in the screen of the agent (result detail screen).