dinsdag 25 januari 2011

Copy e-mail template

Existing e-mail templates can now be copied. 

Custom filters in Address\Overview

In TeleManager\Address\Overview there where 2 filters, now you can create as many as you want. 

New filters can be added in Administration\Classifiers

maandag 24 januari 2011

Adding and removing results from projects

Adding and removing results from projects has been made easy. Go to TeleManager/Projects/Results and add or remove results from existing projects. 

Adding and removing agents from projects

Adding and removing agents from projects has been made easy. Go to Administrate/Users and add or remove agents from existing projects. 

Registration inbound calls (start screen adjusted)

The 'add button' has been placed to the beginning of the row and an agent can now also use the name of the project (hyper link) to register a new call. 

woensdag 19 januari 2011

Script in address details

A new setting has been added to the script. When active, the script will appear open when an agent goes to the address details screen.

Project information for agents

Information about the project is now available for agents in the address details screen.

Pull down field

The list of custom fields has been expanded with a pull-down field. When adding a custom field as pull down it will appear as a pull down in the lead detail screen and the user can select from the predefined list.

In the address detail screen the field appears as a pull-down. 

Appointment time from... to

A positive result can be an appointment or an order. Only when it is an appointment the agent needs the starting time and end time. The setting can be selected under every positive result.

Both starting time and end time will appear in the screen of the agent (result detail screen).

KPI's in Analytics

It is now possible to set default values to all ratios in TM Analytics. The measure in Analytics will be shown in red when a ratio is above or below a certain value.

New field in grid (address overview) Sales person

The field Sales person has been added as a new default field. The name of the field can be changed in the FieldWizard and can be selected in TeleManager/Addresses. The field has also been added to the export.

Result only for admin

A new setting has been added for TmAmin. It is now possible to only show certain results to the TmAdmin. By using this setting the result will not appear with Agents. In the taskstatus detail screen there is an extra agent pull down to make sure that the result keeps coupled to the orignial agent who made the result.

In the taskstatus detail screen there is an extra agent pull down to make sure that the result keeps coupled to the orignial agent who made the result.

Alphabetical order customers

The names of customers are now shown in alphabetical order for agents in the outbound start screen.

Travel Time Optimization

An new time saving feature has been added to TeleManager, Travel Time Optimization (TTO). Although is has been tested extensively it is still in Beta. Based on settings and users for whom appointments can be made, TTO shows a list of appointments based on the shortest driving distance from a previous appointment to the next available appointment.

New field in grid (address overview) Form

The field form has been added to the field choiser (TeleManager/Addresses). The addresses in the grid can now be selected based on form (from the FormWizard).

Analytics Callback

The excisting analytics callback has been extended with the day level. This will give an insight in how many callback's there are on a specific day.

Commission for agents

It is now possible to add a commissions for agents when a certain result is made. The commission can be added on result level and will show in a new analytics report.

dinsdag 18 januari 2011

Sync with Google Calendar

Account Manager for whom appointments are being made by agents can now sync with there own Google Calendar. This will avoid double appointments and daily communication about calendar issues. 


The WordMerge has been added to TeleManager. With this new module you can simple merge address details into a document.

WordMerge can be found under Administrate/WordMerge

Agent calendar

Agents can now add their daily working hours to their their calendar.

Importing (mapping fields)

Fields will be automatically mapped when fields from the excel file have the same name as the field name in TeleManager. Fields that are not recognized by the ImportWizard will show RED in the mapping overview page.


The default field AcceptNewsletter can not be changed by users anymore. The field is used in e-mail marketing campaigns where leads can unsubscribe for e-mails (newsletters).

In the screen below the lead has unsubscribed for e-mails like newsletters or product updates.

User details in e-mailtemplate

User details for whom appointments are being made can now be used in the e-mail confirmation. The user details can be added in Project/Customer/Employee. The details (for example the sales persons phone number) can be used in confirmation emails.

In order to show the users name and phone number in the e-mail template you should use the following code;



AutoAssign based on PostcodeRange (Zipcode)

Positive results in TM can now be automatically distributed to a user in LeadManager based on regions (postalcodes). This new functionality applies only to inhouse call centers.

The new setting appears in the result detail screen, when making the positive result. A TmAgent can select the new feature or assign directly to a user.

Copy Projects

Setting up a new project is easy and quick. It is now also possible to make a copy of project from an existing customer. The fields that will be copied into the new project are:
- project settings 
- agents
- results
- account manager

After clicking on 'Copy' you can fill in the project ID, Name and a note. All settings will be copied into the new project. 

Ordening fields in export

Default fields can now be ordered in the FormWizard and will appear in the created order. This was already possible for custom fields. In the previous release a setting has been added to export a field or not export. The new functionality is not applied to TM Export all.

E-mail validation

A script has been added to prevent e-mails being sent without the Last name and/or Salutation.

The script is based on two rules;
- Last name must contain more then 1 character
- Salutation may not contain U (unknown)

A warning will be presented to the agent like in the screenshot below.

Mass change result

It is now possible to mass change addresses. With the click on one button you can change:Result,Result Category, Followup date and Notes. Only results under Open and Callback can be changed. To see how it works, watch our video (dutch) on our YouTube channel

A screen appears after selecting the multiple addresses and clicking Change Result. By selecting one result, all selected addresses will be change with the new result setting. 

New analytics reports and interface

New functionality has been added to Analytics/Reports; 
- date selection
- customer and project drill down
- selecting measures 
- exporting

Export all

The new button 'Download all data (yesterday and before)' allows you to export all data at once without waiting. This export is updated every night for every customer. 

Schedule appointment

Days on which account manager already have appointments are shown in red. By using the mouse over, the agent can see the existing appointments and the name of the city to prevent appointment overlap. 


Days in future

We have added a new setting. With this project setting an agent can only schedule an appointment x days in the future. All current projects are set to 365 days in the future.

When the setting is set to 5 days, the agent can only select a day for the coming 5 days.The days after are not click-able. 

Also visit our website www.telemanager.nl