maandag 27 februari 2012

Time registration

Time in TmAnalytics was restricted to 5 minutes. When a TmAgent was working in the address details page (the page with all contact information), time was registered when the page was opened until the result was clicked (or Oke, Oke and close or Oke and sent Email). Time registration was maximized to 5 minutes and set time to  when time exceeded 5 minutes.

Time has now been set to 30 minutes. It will be set to 0 when it exceeds 30 minutes. It can be that the Duration field in TmAnalytics is showing a different time because it is updated from the past.

maandag 16 januari 2012

E-mail validation

E-mail addresses are automatically checked

E-mail addresses are check on text before and after the @ and text before and after the .(dot).