woensdag 19 januari 2011

Appointment time from... to

A positive result can be an appointment or an order. Only when it is an appointment the agent needs the starting time and end time. The setting can be selected under every positive result.

Both starting time and end time will appear in the screen of the agent (result detail screen).

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Appointment setting is an arranged meeting between client and salesman t is so much time saving concept for the big firm. We can know that on which time who will be there for meeting.

    appointment setting

  2. Yes.. true. In TeleManager you can use any calendar and connect this calendar to Google (see http://releasestelemanager.blogspot.com/2011/01/v613-june-2010-sync-with-google.html). When connected you can use http://releasestelemanager.blogspot.com/search/label/Travel%20time%20optimization

  3. The was here the information discussed about the appointment setting was very nice and useful.

    Excel courses
